The rule

Jean-Rivel Fondjo

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The rule

Today is Monday 7.00pm at Tech Junction Kumasi, Ghana. Located not too far from the Ayigya zongo neighborhood. (Zongo used to be the arriving point of most Hausa and Muslim traders from other West African countries, pre-independence. But today, Zongo has changed: it has become a multi-cultural community, because people from all walks of lives and tribes are residing in such places. Generally the Zongo community is “synonymous with indiscipline, poverty and insanitation”).
It’s a busy junction especially on Mondays: at this time there is traffic congestion, everyone is in a haste to get home after a tiring day. Workers, sellers, photographers, “trotros” (commercial transport vehicle) and taxi drivers are on the same junction.
Some men, women and children are waiting for the traffic lights to become red before they cross but others break the rules of the road. Whether red, green, yellow they cross alongside with vehicles. No trotro, taxi nor private car dare knock a pedestrian down. If you dare, your car would also be knocked down. That is the RULE.

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