The Teshome home, Teshome « beteseb » - Derefo (Choa), Ethiopia

Laurent Lafuma

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This series of photos brings together « traditional » repotage and classical portrait work .
I cannot, anymore, name everyone in these pictures (except for a few), i cannot, anymore, tell « who’s who for who » in this extended family, except for some brothers and sisters, for the mum and the dad, i cannot tell for sure when these photos were taken ; was it during a first trip at easter or during a second one, for a wedding… ?
The latter may be right, but then, where did the young couple go ?
If I were more conscientious i would have found out before publishing these images but i am not (though i would love to do it at some point in the future); i like to think that this lack of precision (no personal details…) reflects the importance given to the community over the individual in this part of the world.
The Teshome family lives in the Choa district, a few kilometers from Ankober, a former capital of the empire, just where the Highlands start : plunging escarpements and fertile soil.
As the fog rises, you can see the rift valley desert in the distance, the land of the Afars ; on market days camels train are often expected…
The newly breds have gone back to Addis Ababa, i gave them these images  for them to make their own family album…

Laurent Lafuma

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