Adugna potential

Laurent Lafuma

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The Adugna dance company was founded in 1996 by the British choreographer Royston Maldon, when he started to work with 16 street children ; More than 20 dancers are now part of the company, among them some are developing an international artistic carreer (Junaïd Jemal, Adissu Démissié…).
I’ve been following their work over the years (« Ye mot guzo " created in Tananarive - Madagascar - in 2003 for the international african dance Encounters, the « Kin-Addis » project which was built in Ethiopia, RDC and France, together with Sylvain Prunenec and Faustin Linyekula in 2004/05…).
This series (shot in 2007) shows their involvement in everyday life’s Ethiopia, through the Gemini trust NGO ; the dancers on a workshop with physically disabled people…
When dance serves as a tool to cure the body and the mind…

Laurent Lafuma

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